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    +86-20-22371517 +86-20-22371557 +86-20-22371552 +86-20-22371559

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General Standards

General Standards

Bosino uses the ANSI/ASQ Z1.4-2008 as its sampling standard and acceptable level of quality. This method is widely used to decide whether to accept a production lot without checking every single item. This standard now has equivalents in all national and international standardization organizations such as BS6001, ABC105, ANSI/ASQ Z1.4, NFX 06-022, ISO 2859 and DIN 40080.
It offers the advantage of clearly defining the number of samples to be inspected from a given lot or consignment. It also suggests the maximum number of defective items allowed in the samples size unless specified by clients. Our default Acceptable Quality Level is Level II.



Apply for inspection immediately!!